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[Umich] COE Core84

[Notes] Ch.20 More Data Structures (Runestone) EXERCISE) Printing a Vector of int Write a function that prints out the contents of a vector of int. II. Vectors of Vectors 1. Review: declaring the element type of a vector (1) Declare a vector like this: => In addition to the base type of vector, provide the type of elements it will hold. (2) A vector can store elements of any type, as long as they match the type with which it is declared. 2. .. 2022. 12. 6.
[Notes] Ch.19 Structs (Runestone) I. Introduction 1. Modeling Real-World Objects in Code (1) Let’s model the autonomous rovers used to explore the dark side of Proxima b. => This proliferation of variables will quickly become unmanageable. (2) Using vectors: Vectors can store sequences of objects => We no longer need an arbitrary large number of variables. The vectors just grow to accommodate new rovers. => However, each attribu.. 2022. 12. 6.
[Notes] Ch.18 Program Design in C++ (Runestone) I. Introduction 1. Bottom-up design: starts by identifying specific features that we’ll need in our program, and then writing functions that accomplish these specific features. 2. Top-down design: starts by looking at the big picture of what the end result will be, and then breaks it down into smaller steps after that. II. Bottom-up Design We need to first think of some small pieces of functiona.. 2022. 12. 5.
Umich ENGR 101 Project 4 Overview (Summary) [I. Project Roadmap] 1. Helper functions 2. Checkpoints (1) Read in data files: planet info (2) Create a vector of vectors to represent the map (3) Place the planet symbols in the correct location 3. Driver program (1) Match planet names with their locations (2) Fix the corrupted data (3) Implement the Nearest Neighbor algorithm to plan the route for the gLyft driver (4) Verify : journey.txt fil.. 2022. 12. 1.
[Notes] 3.10 Theorems About Differentiable Functions 2022. 11. 29.
[Notes & HW Answers] 3.9 Linear Approximation [Prepwork 3.9] Q1. What is the value at x=.1 of the local linearization L(x) of (1+x)^5 at x=0? A: L(0.1) = 1.5 Q2. Suppose you use the tangent line approximation near t=4 to estimate s′(4.05), where s(t) is a function that is always concave up. Then your answer is an A: underestimate Q3. Suppose the linear approximation of g(x)g(x) near x=6 is given by L(x)=5(x−6)−12. A:Then g(6) = -12 and g'(6.. 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & HW Answers] 3.7 Implicit Functions [Prepwork 3.7] Q1. Which of the following points satisfies the equation 𝑥^2−𝑥𝑦^2=2? A: (1) (-2^(1/2)/2, (4.5)^(1/4)) ; (2) (-2^(1/2),0) Q2. (1) Find dy/dx when x^2 - xy^2 =2. A: (1) dy/dx = (y^2-2x)/-2xy (2) Find an equation for the tangent line to x^2 - xy^2 = 2 at the point (2,1). A: (2) y = (3/4)(x-2) + 1 Q3. Find all points satisfying the equation 𝑥2−𝑥𝑦2=2x2−xy2=2 where the tangent line is v.. 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & HW Answers] 3.6 The Chain Rule and Inverse Functions [Prepwork 3.6] Q1. Let 𝑔(𝑥)g(x) be an invertible, differentiable function with values given in the table below. 𝑥 2 5 8 𝑔(𝑥) 8 2 0 𝑔′(𝑥) -2 -0.25 -0.1 Find a formula for the tangent line of 𝑔^(−1)(𝑥) at 𝑥=2. A: y = -4(x-2)+5 Q2. Find the derivative of 𝑓(𝑥)=arctan(5ln(𝑥)). A: f'(x) = 5/(x*(25*ln^2(x)+1) [HW 3.6] Q1. Find the derivative of the function f(t), below. f(t) = ln(t^9 +8) A: f'(t) = 9t^.. 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & HW Answers] 3.5 The Trigonometric Functions [Prepwork 3.5] Q1. The Bay of Monterey in California is known for extreme tides. The depth of the water, y, in meters can be modeled as a function of time, t, in half-hours after midnight, by y=12+6cos(t). How quickly is the depth of the water rising or falling at 3 a.m.? (Make sure you compute this in radians and give your answers to three decimal places.) Rising at (in m/half-hours) A: 1.676 Q.. 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & HW Answers] 3.4 The Chain Rule [Prepwork 3.4] Q1. The length,L, in micrometers (𝜇μm), of steel depends on the air temperature degrees celsius, and the temperature depends on time,t, measured in hours. If the length of a steel bridge increases by 0.25μm for every degree increase in temperature, and the temperature is increasing at 4 degrees celsius per hour, how fast is the length of the bridge increasing? A: At a rate of 1 μm.. 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & Raw Data] Lab 8. Determining a Relative Rate Law: a 'clock' reaction Keywords:relative rate law, clock reaction, oxidation, reduction, reaction, redox reaction, concentration, k', time, rate, solutions Preview the notes: Keywords: relative rate law, clock reaction, oxidation, reduction, reaction, redox reaction, concentration, k', time, rate, solutions 2022. 11. 21.
[Notes & Raw Data] Lab 7. Galvanic Cells: Electrons Flowing Spontaneously Keywords: galvanic cells, electrons flowing, electrons, copper, zinc, circuit, reactions, the Nernst equation, redox reaction, batteries, cathode, anode, cell potential, salt bridge, solution Preview the notes: Keywords: galvanic cells, electrons flowing, electrons, copper, zinc, circuit, reactions, the Nernst equation, redox reaction, batteries, cathode, anode, cell potential, salt bridge, solu.. 2022. 11. 21.