[Umich] COE Core/ENGR 100 (Industrial & Operations)3 IOE L1. Introduction to IOE © Copyright Prof. Yavuz A. Bozer, 2023. All rights reserved. All the rights to equipment and related photographs and diagrams belong to original copyright holders. Introduction to Engineering: Process and Throughput Optimization I. Fast Food (Quick Service) Ex) Dominos.com to order a pepperoni and mushroom pizza. 1. Why did you take it for granted that they have pepperoni and mushrooms on hand? .. 2023. 1. 21. Lab 1&2. Simulation Basics Lab 1. Introduction to Simulation I. What is Simulation? 1. A simulation model is an imitation of a process or system over time. 2. These models are used to understand the system’s behavior and evaluate the potential effect of operational changes to the system. 3. Real-world systems are often too complex to solve or represent analytically, making simulations a useful tool. II. When is Simulation.. 2023. 1. 21. W1. Introduction to IOE (Discussion) Brief introduction to Technical Communication + Professionalism & Online Etiquette I. A few email dos and don’ts 1. Be wary of hitting ‘reply all’ and over ccing 2. Provide a clear and specific subject line 3. Indicate a clear purpose early in your email 4. If you have action items, make them clear (including ‘due dates’ for each) 5. Avoid humor, overfamiliarity 6. Keep length manag.. 2023. 1. 11. 이전 1 다음